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salzburg_2BC_01On 12 May 2011 we went to Salzburg with class 2C. We left Bruneck at 7 o’clock. The ride was really funny and we also ate our sweets, but not many, because most of us were feeling sick. At half past 11 we arrived in Salzburg. Then we went directly to the museum “Haus der Natur”. The museum was very interesting. We saw a live crocodile, many fish, a lot of expensive gemstones and other things.


At about 1 o’clock we met in the entrance hall and arranged for time to meet and to go home. While most students went to have lunch at MacDonald’s, we 3 girls went to Nordsee. We ate very well and it was really comfortable. Then we started our shopping tour. First we went to H&M, where we bought some clothes. And while we were walking along the main shopping street, we saw some awfully expensive shops: a pen cost €620 and a coat over €1,000!!!!


salzburg_2BC_02 salzburg_2BC_03

After all this walking we were thirsty and needed a coffee – we got one, but a very expensive one! In the end we were rather late and had to run to the agreed meeting point – of course we were last !!! The ride home was very funny again, but everybody was quite tired. We arrived in Bruneck at 8 o’clock. Although the journey was a bit too long, all in all the trip was very nice and Salzburg is a really breathtaking city.


Kathrin Unteregelsbacher, 2B



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WFO Bruneck

Josef-Ferrari-Straße 12
I-39031 Bruneck

TEL.: 0474 555 125
E-MAIL: os-wfo.bruneck@schule.suedtirol.it
PEC: hob.bruneck@pec.prov.bz.it

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat

Mo – Fr. 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr
Do 14:00 – 17:30 Uhr

Steuernummer: 81009160219
Ämterkodex: UFSDNE

WFO Innichen

Freisinger Str. 13 a
39038 Innichen

TEL.: 0474 9133 32

E-MAIL: os-wfo.innichen@schule.suedtirol.it

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Montag - Freitag 7:30 - 11:45 Uhr
Dienstag 12:45 - 15:30 Uhr

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