At the lake some people went to eat something, the others remained by the water and annoyed the swans and ducks. Some students took photos and went around, made handstands and other moves. On the shore of the lake there was a little restaurant/bar, where some students and teachers were eating a meal. We had 2 hours of free time, then we went to our hotel, which is called MHotel, by bus. There we got our room numbers and had some time to chill. The rooms had only two beds, so some students had to sleep alone, but the they were clean and comfortable.
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Our Opinion is that the lake was a beautiful place to be. We had a lot of fun, even if the whole journey was a bit long. The restaurant was good, but the service was a little bit slow. In Ljubljana the hotel rooms were beautiful, clean and the breakfast was peculiar, with sausages and eggs, but yummy.
Oberhauser Karin, Holzer Sandra
Il castello Fužine
La nostra classe, giovedì, 7 aprile 2011 è andata a visitare il castello Fužine di Ljubljana. È stata una lunga passeggiata ma quando siamo arrivati, tutti erano felici. Per visitare tutto il castello dovevamo pagare due €. Siamo saliti sulla torre di difesa, dove si vedeva tutta la città. Daniel e Fabian hanno fatto la loro presentazione sul castello e su i suoi proprietari:
Il castello Fužine è l‘unico di Ljubljana, che e rimasto a tempo del Rinascimento. Tra il 1528 e il 1577 è stato costruito vicino al fiume Ljubljana da Veit Khisl (era anche il sindaco di Ljubljana) e Hans Weilhaimer. Negli angoli del castello si trovano quattro torri di difesa e una si trova di fronte all’entrata. Nell’interno ci sono rimasti I dipinti murali del Rinascimento e del Barocco. Nel corso degli anni il castello ha cambiato proprietario tante volte. Uno dei proprietari per esempio ha costruito una fucina del ferro e una cartiera. Dal 1992 in poi l’architetto Peter Gabrijelcic ha rinnovato il castello il cui proprietario attuale e la citta Ljubljana.
Dopo la visita del castello abbiamo trascorso un po’ di tempo libero e ci siamo rinfrescati nel bar. Poi tutta la classe è scesa insieme dalla collina. A noi il castello è piaciuto, perché potevamo vedere tutta la città. Quello che non ci è piaciuto era la lunga salita, perché eravamo stanchi dal viaggio, ma comunque ne è valsa la pena.
Veider Fabian, Brandlechner Daniel
The Sightseeing tour
Our class, the 4D of the HOB-Bruneck made a sightseeing tour through the old part of the city. It was early in the morning when our guide arrived at the meeting point. There were about thirty people who were taking part in the tour. First of all the tourist guide gave us some information of what we could expect from the following hours. At the beginning we were standing in the middle of the central square of the city. There is a wide river flowing through Ljubljana and there are many old bridges which cross it. After admiring the river, we travelled along its banks until we reached the market place. There were so many stands selling vegetables and fruits, the place strongly smelt of strawberries. Later, we got into the cathedral, called the St. Nicolas cathedral. After we had walked along the road, where we saw other beautiful attractions, we finally arrived to the last sight. An old theater where many famous musicians usually give live concerts. We were all very tired and hungry after that long guided tour through the city and so we went to Mc Donald’s to recharge our batteries.
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In our view, at the beginning the sightseeing tour was very interesting but after an hour we were getting a bit tired of standing and listening to the guide. We would also have liked to visit the attractions by ourselves.
Niedermair Thomas, Holzer Fabian
The nightlife in Ljubljana is very interesting but really different from the nightlife in South Tyrol. The security at the door were very strict if you had not completed eighteen years. Minors could not enter in any clubs.
Anyway, we went out both nights. On Thursday, 7th April, we left the hotel at 10 o’clock pm and we went to the city centre by taxi. Firstly, we sat down at an open air bar near the river. While we were enjoying our local beer, we listened to a young guy who was playing songs on his guitar. After that, we wanted to go into a typical disco, but it was closed. So we trudged along the streets looking for an open bar where we could chill a bit. Finally, we found a club where the lights were still on. We enjoyed it a lot, but soon also this bar closed and therefore we went back to the hotel.
On Friday we were highly motivated to have more fun. We started our night program again at about 10 o’clock pm and took our taxis to the city. After a little sightseeing tour, we found a disco. We tried to get in but it was impossible to enter because the majority of us are minors so we had to go on. On the way, we met a nice guy called Blaš, he is 37 years old. He taught us a lot about the history of Slovenia and the influence of Slovenia in the whole world. He showed us a place where young people and students meet on weekends. This place is called ‘Metelkova’. It is a well-known place in Slovenia but also outside the country. It is an alternative party centre, unfortunately, not everyone of us liked it at first glace, so seven people went back to the hotel after a little while. The rest of us had a lot of fun!
Rier Lukas, Ponticello Alexander
On Friday, after a spontaneous decision, we planned to go playing paintball in the late afternoon. It was about four o’clock, when we reached the paintball range. There we got military patterned uniforms and protection masks. After a short introduction we were given our weapons including 100 rounds of paintballs. Divided into two groups, the battle could begin. We played about four challenging games, with a lot of tactics and team play. After a while, some players ran out of bullets because they wasted them. The fighting was hard and exhausting but in the end no team was able to secure the victory. The last bullet was shot about after an hour of battle and we all went tiredly back to the hotel. This was one of the best experiences during the trip because for most of us it was the first time we played paintball, which requires lots of tactics, teamwork and technical skills. We all would return immediately.
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Niederwanger Valentin, Mairunteregger Manuel
Grotte di Postumia
Sabato, 9 aprile abbiamo preso il pullman per andare alle grotte di Postumia. Per prima cosa ci siamo comprati I biglietti e abbiamo aspettato per la prima guida, che era alle 2. Quando siamo entrati, faceva freddo. Nella grotta c’era una temperatura di 8°C. All’entrata hanno fatto le foto e dopo ci siamo seduti nel trenino che ci ha portato in mezzo alle grotte, dove è cominciata la visita. Ci siamo addentrati per quattro chilometri nella grotta e con la guida abbiamo percorso un altro chilometro a piedi. Durante la visita abbiamo visto la sala degli spaghetti, due stalattiti che si toccano e che si chiamano Romeo e Giulietta e abbiamo anche visto il brillante che è il simbolo delle grotte e che è completamente bianco. La guida ci ha anche mostrato degli animali che vivono nelle grotte, per essere più precisi delle anguille che esistono soltanto qui. Alla fine della visita abbiamo ancora visto il mondo in miniatura che si trovava proprio nelle grotte. Dopo siamo di nuovo saliti su questo piccolo trenino con cui siamo entrati nelle grotte, ma questa volta per uscire. Alla stazione dove ci siamo fermati c’era ancora un piccolo laghetto con una piccola cascata che era bellissima da vedere. Dopo averla guardata per qualche minuto, siamo usciti e ritornati al pullman che ci aspettava già.
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Seeber Michael, Rastner Dominik
Kurzbericht der Begleitpersonen
Die SchülerInnen legten ein sehr gutes Verhalten zu Tage. Während der gesamten Lehrfahrt waren alle sehr pünktlich und korrekt gegenüber den Lehrpersonen. In Ljubljana lernten die meisten SchülerInnen mit viel rednerischem Geschick und Charme Menschen aus aller Welt kennen. Geschichtliche, geographische und kulturelle Einblicke in der slowenischen Kultur standen natürlich neben dem fun factor des Paintballs und des Abendprogramms im Mittelpunkt. Die Klasse schenkte Lustigem und Anstrengendem Aufmerksamkeit und Offenheit. Sehr zu loben ist, dass alle SchülerInnen mit der Englischlehrerin Englisch sprachen und mit dem Italienischlehrer Italienisch. Neben den zahlreichen Informationen über ein neues Land, förderte die Lehrfahrt somit auch die Englischkenntnisse und Italienischkenntnisse der Jugendlichen. Diese abwechslungsreiche Erfahrung war ein voller Erfolg und wird den SchülerInnen und Lehrern in sehr positiver Erinnerung bleiben.
Professor Russo, Miss Ferrari